domingo, 30 de novembro de 2008

About Brazilian Bikini Waxing

FAQs About Brazilian Bikini Waxing
What is a Brazilian Bikini Wax?
Can a Man get a Brazilian Bikini Wax?
How long will the results last?
How long does the hair need to be?
What is the procedure for Brazilian Bikini Waxing?
What are the possible side effects of waxing and how can they be minimized?
How long does Brazilian Bikini Waxing take?
When is the Best Time to get A Bikini Wax?
Q: What is a Brazilian Bikini Wax?
A: Brazilian waxing refers to hair removal around the anus, perineum and vagina. To some people it means removing all the hair from the bikini area, and to others it means removing everything but a strip in the front.
Q: Why go to this extreme?
A: It allows women to comfortably wear revealing swimwear and lingerie. Waxed hair grows back from the root and is softer than shaving stubble.
Q: Can a man get a Brazilian Bikini Wax?
A: Many men are waxing rather than shaving to achieve a smooth genital region. Yes, men can get either a standard bikini wax or a Brazilian Bikini Wax at The Wax Zone.
Q: How long will the results last?
A: After a client's first waxing, the results can last 3 to 6 weeks depending on the individual's hair regrowth rate. In most cases, hair growth is minimal during the first week or two and noticeably increases in the third and fourth week. Heat stimulates hair growth, therefore hair grows quicker in the summer than in the winter. With regular waxing the length of time between treatments will increase. Continued waxing results in sparse hair regrowth.
Q: How long does the hair need to be?
A: The hair needs to be at least 1/4 inch to be captured by the wax. If your hair is fully grown in, we will trim it to the proper length for your comfort during waxing.
Q: What is the procedure for Brazilian Bikini Waxing?
A: To begin, the hair is trimmed if necessary, and then the wax is applied in the direction of hair growth and removed with a quick pull of a cloth strip. The wax used is an amandrine beeswax for sensitive skin. While waxing, it is best to pull the skin tight, so you may be asked to help stabilize an area with your hand, especially when towards the middle of the labia where there is no fiirm bone or muscle underneath. Stray hairs may also be tweezed. After the hairs are removed an azulene oil is applied to help remove any residue wax and soothe the area.
Q: What are the possible side effects of waxing and how can they be minimized?
A: Although we cannot predict or guarantee who may react, most clients do not experience reactions beyond redness and minor irritiation. Hair may break at the root during waxing, causing some hairs to grow out faster. Please follow these guidelines to minimize irritation and possible break outs:
Avoid the sun immediately after waxing and please wear sunscreen: recently waxed areas are prone to hyperpigmentation (permanent darkening of the skin) if exposed to the sun.
Avoid heavy exercise for at least 24 hours after waxing.
Avoid saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools and other heated sources for at least 24 hours after waxing.
Avoid tight clothing after waxing, especially in the waxed areas. Tight clothing may result in irritation and ingrown hairs.
Regular exfoliation may be helpful especially prior to your next wax appointment.
Routine waxing helps the skin get accustomed to the procedure and may minimize irritation.
Unfortunately, no hot shower or oral sex for 10 hours after a Brazilian.
Products are available that can be applied topically to avoid ingrown hairs and condition the skin for better waxing results.
Q: How long does Brazilian Bikini Waxing take?
A: Depending on the density of the hair growth, your waxing appointment will take between 15 and 40 minutes.
Q: When is the best time to get a Brazilian Bikini Wax?
A: The best time is to be waxed about a week after your menstrual cycle, try to avoid caffeine, nicotine, lack of sleep and stress as these can make you feel over sensitive during your treatment. The hair should be at least 1/4" of growth to avoid the need for additional irritation.

domingo, 23 de novembro de 2008

Tratamento Termo Activo

Creme Thermo-activo
Este tratamento é uma mistura de 2 procedimentos: o thermotherapy e Cremes thermo-activos e géis que se combinam para ajudar o cliente a perder volume. A perda de volume é devido a uma combinação "do efeito de sauna" com o poder aumentado dos cremes thermo-activos.
Em resumo, o procedimento compõe-se na aplicação dos cremes thermo-activos e géis "nas áreas problemáticas", que então são enroladas no filme osmótico, seguido por um agasalho uma manta acalentadora (a temperatura pode ir tão alta como 70 graus Celsius).
Primeiro, uma esfoliação de corpo é feita para retirar células de pele mortas e abrir os poros para ajudar a pele a melhor absorver os ingredientes activos usados posteriormente.
Então, executando movimentos circulares, um creme que aumenta o processo de transpiração é aplicado. A área é enrolada no filme osmótico e o cliente é posto na manta acalentadora.
No fim da sessão, suavemente massajando a área, um creme de redução celulite poderosa é aplicado; isto leva a um avermelhamento da área e ele cria uma sensação do calor; ele pode até causar uma coceira leve, que significa que ele já está trabalhando. Cada sessão dura durante 60 minutos. Devem haver pelo menos 10 sessões, 2 ou 3 vezes por semana.
Produtos usados:"creme Reducel- feito por laboratórios Ximart; ele contém sementes de albricoque miúdas. A pele é efetivamente exfoliada parecendo mais refinada e firme
"creme termo-activo - feito por laboratórios Ximart; ajuda a reduzir o volume de gordura de corpo pelo processo de perspiração; contém a parafina combinada com o extrato de hera
"anti cellulite creme - feito por laboratórios Ximart; para todos os tipos de celulite.
"Emulsão thermo-activa multifásica que contém lipossomas de cafeína e aminophylline. Especialmente criado para um efeito termal, ele estimula a microcirculação nas áreas com celulite, reduz o excesso gordo e melhora a eliminação fluidica. Assim, reduz volume e existe uma perseptivel perda em cms, é obtido nas áreas tratadas. Depois que é aplicado, em quase 90 % de casos ele aumenta a temperatura de pele, fazenda-o ruborizar.

Ingredientes ativos - extratos de : Fuco, Cafeína, Iodo Orgânico, Hera, Arnica a Montana, L-carnitine, Paraffinum Liquidum, Lanoline, Glyceryl Stearate, Potássio, Cera Microcristalina


Thermo-active CreamThis treatment is a mixture of 2 procedures: thermotherapy and thermo-active creams and gels which combine to help the client slim down and lose inches. The inch-loss is due to a combination of the "sauna effect" with the increased power of the thermo-active creams In short, the procedure consists in applying the thermo-active creams and gels on the "problem-areas", which are then wrapped in osmotic film, followed by a wrap in the heating blanket (the temperature can go as high as 70 degrees Celsius).First, a body peeling is done to remove dead skin cells and to open the pores to help the skin better absorb the active ingredients used afterwards. Then, performing circular moves, a cream which increases the perspiration process is applied. The area is wrapped in osmotic film and the client is put in the heating blanket.At the end of the session, gently massaging the area, a powerful cellulite reduction cream is applied; this leads to a reddening of the area and it creates a sensation of warmth; it could even cause a slight itch, which means that it's already working. Each session lasts for 60 minutes. There should be at least 10 sessions, 2 or 3 times a week.Products used:" body peeling cream- made by Ximart laboratories; it contains minute apricot seeds. The skin is effectively exfoliated, looking more refined and firm" thermo-active cream- made by Ximart laboratories; it helps reduce the volume of body fat through the perspiration process; it contains paraffin combined with ivy extract" anti cellulite cream - made by Ximart laboratories; for all types of cellulite." multiphase thermo-active emulsion containing caffeine liposomes and aminophylline. Especially created for a thermal effect, it stimulates the microcirculation in the cellulite areas, reduces the fat surplus and improves fluid elimination. Thus, slim down and a loss in inches is obtained in the treated areas. After it is applied, in almost 90% of cases it increases the skin temperature, making it redden.
Active ingredients - extracts of: Fucus, Caffeine, Organic Iodine, Ivy, Arnica Montana, L-carnitine, Paraffinum Liquidum, Lanoline, Glyceryl Stearate, Potassium, Microcrystalline Wax

sábado, 15 de novembro de 2008

Oxigenação hiperbárica facial

Oxigenação hiperbárica facial
Consiste em um spray de oxigênio pressurizado com hidratantes que supostamente hidrata a pele imediatamente fazendo a pele parecer mais jovem por alguns dias, de acordo com esta reportagem do New York Times.
O tratamento está na moda nos EUA, principalmente entre as celebridades que querem esconder imperfeições na pele visíveis em TVs de alta definição.
"So many celebrities are doing the treatment because it temporarily diminishes all the tiny imperfections that would otherwise be visible on high-definition TV," said Michelle Peck, a masseuse from Los Angeles. Ms. Peck is referred to as Madonna's personal oxygen treatment facialist on the Web site
Não há comprovação científica da eficácia deste tratamento. O chefe do departamento de dermatologia da Universidade da California em Irvine, Dr. Christopher B. Zachary, classificou de risível a idéia de que oxigênio em alta pressão traga algum benefício para a pele.
"The concept that high-pressure oxygen would do anything to help the skin is such nonsense as to be laughable," said Dr. Zachary, who has not examined the oxygen-compression machine himself.
O médico levanta a possibilidade de que o resultado do tratamente seja fruto de pequenas inflamações causadas pelo impacto dos jatos de oxigênio.
He suggested that the plumping or swelling effect might be mild inflammation caused by the blasts of compressed oxygen. "If you wanted puffy eyes, you could also go out for a hard night's drinking," he said.
Você já fez Hidratação hiperbárica facial?
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